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Colombian Great Anteater Conservation Project

Anteaters, tamandúas and seraphim are little known species in Colombia. The Cunaguaro Foundation's anteater conservation project seeks to contribute to the knowledge of the populations of these species in the country, in order to generate basic scientific information that will allow us to make concrete decisions which will have an impact on their conservation. This initiative has been carried out since 2012 and is a pioneer in the conservation of these mammals in the country.

Oso palmero
Tamandua tetradactyla
Investigaci�ón in situ
Trabajo con la comunidad
Salud poblacional.
Aseguramos hábitat para la especie
Atropellamientos en vías
Prevención de atropellamientos
Protegemos los hormigueros
Our Project in the Media

In the last five years, at least 220 specimen have been run over on the roads of the Orinoco and the Caribbean. If no concrete action is taken in the next few years, anteaters will become irretrievably extinct.

Colombia: What are the threats to the Great Anteater population?

  • What role do Great Anteaters play in nature?

  • Why can the decline in their population lead to an increase in the predation of livestock by jaguars?

Ants aren’t bears: learn more curious facts about these mammals

César Rojano, Biodiversity Coordinator of the Cunaguaro Foundation, spoke in Blu Verde about the anteaters that live in Colombia and the four different species...

César Rojano: five Great Anteaters are run over weekly in Casanare

The director of a bear conservation project in Casanare, carried out through the Cunaguaro Foundation, spoke to LA FM about this topic.

How to care for charismatic and harassed anteaters

Charismatic, with particular muzzles, large or small, persecuted and still unknown, important in the ecosystem, anteaters are special inhabitants of Colombia.

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